Academy Music Group & Live Nation
AMG venues in the UK have adopted the national Access Card scheme by Nimbus Disability to streamline and improve services for disabled customers.

Academy Music Group & Live Nation
Academy Music Group (AMG) venues across the UK have endorsed and introduced the national Access Card scheme from Nimbus Disability, the tool to connect disabled customers with the service industry.
AMG venues are official ‘CredAble’ providers, all of which have been audited and assessed for access by Nimbus, as well as recognised over several years by leading charity and access experts, Attitude Is Everything by its commitment to the ‘Charter of Best Practice’.
The Access Card scheme, designed and implemented by Martin Austin of Nimbus Disability allows disabled customers to easily and discreetly let businesses know any specific requirements they may have without the need for repeat processes with future bookings. The individual requirements are assessed and entered into a secure database, based on actual needs rather than medical diagnosis and allows staff in venues to respond and support disabled customer’s needs without the need for intrusive details.
The process has not only been extremely smooth but incredibly informative
says Operations Coordinator Holly Remzi (AMG).
The training was very engaging with helpful and proactive solutions and insights that we could improve upon; enabling us to communicate discreetly, quickly and more effectively with Access Card holders when booking tickets to shows and events at Academy Music Group venues. Whilst not a statutory requirement, many Card holders have expressed their feedback in how much easier it is when booking a ticket.
By working with organisations such as Nimbus Disability, the company behind ‘CredAbility’and the charity Attitude Is Everything that aims to improve Deaf and disabled people’s access to live music, Academy Music Group takes advice and guidance on how best to meet disabled and deaf customers’ needs with consistent service.
The symbols on the card inform venues and providers about the facilities a person requires and the aim is for the Access Card to become a universal proof of disability and eligibility without the need to supply repeat information when booking again at the same venues”says Martin Austin from Nimbus Disability. “We are delighted to have the support of an established and nationwide organisation in Academy Music Group as well as Live Nation festivals. It’s another hugely positive step to enable disabled music fans to purchase tickets and have a better experience at the point of booking.
Live Nation UK’s Download festival also accepts the Access Card.
We have been working with Martin for a considerable length time through our festival programme and a big part of the idea to have such a scheme for repeat and new customers came from this.
says Sally Blake, Senior Disabled Access Officer at Live Nation UK.
We began accepting it at Download Festival 2014, with the festival already accredited with the CredAble ‘Access’ and ‘Provider’ certifications from the Nimbus Quality Mark, CredAbility.